Sunday, July 10, 2011

Water Your Grass

     Sometimes we may think the grass is greener on the other side. We astutely look at other relationships. We look at their qualities, their possession, and their successes’. We begin to ponder on the “what if’s”, and allow our mind to envision the forbidden bliss of pleasures. The beauty of our imagination can wonder into infinity.
     Eventually we begin to question if our current relationship is right for us. The fine line between fantasy and reality is so malleable we manipulate our egotistical thoughts into self-righteous ones. We begin to compare our partner to the imagery of our lustful desire and, end our thoughts by patronizing our naive partner. Our partners are placed into a black hole where their mind can no longer connect with yours. They are suspended between the reality and your illusions.
     In the end, we contemplate the worth of our relationship. We begin to reject the possibility of false deception and believe the other side may be better. Before you take action on fabricated pretenses, dedicate your mind to what stands before you. Take the time to dig and look where the holes are; patch them up and water on your grass. You might learn what has been missing all this time is just a little tender, love, and care.