Tuesday, August 23, 2011


     Anger, and madness, anger and madness…I’m angry at myself. The lack of my potentials withers as I deny my madness to consume me. I blindly live the happily ever after existence. My human counter parts undeveloped to endless joy. I received a short taste of bliss and transformed it to my knowledge of euphoria. I blasphemed my loneliness for eternity; living in madness and my anger parts in death. The moral pair rejoices to their dearest affection; losing what hasn’t been gained.

     Anger, and madness, anger and madness… I live my life. I’m sworn to bondage. My body is completely covered and tied up in a black rubber suit. I stand with my back pressed against the wall with nowhere left to go. My arms are tied behind back, my legs spread apart. My face is covered. I can’t see. I can’t speak. My other half dictates when I can breathe. This merciful act prolongs my death and I remain taut.

     Anger, and madness, anger and madness resides within me; grows within me. My body and mind discombobulated. No sequence, like the way a cub hunts for food. A cub aches of hunger and searches for food to avoid impeding doom. The cub’s disorientation between balance of time and motion grows into a proficient nature as the cub becomes a lion. Then can the lion truly feast. My anger and madness began as a simmer. I was searching for my balance, my infrastructure but my aptitudes were denied as a young lady. Now my anger and madness boils. It poses me. My genii are turning me into a woman. Anger, and madness, anger and madness I live…