Sunday, December 4, 2011


Should I or Shouldn’t I? What do I have to lose? I feel like it’s already been lost. I try to believe what has been lost can be gained, but how. Secondly, do I want to gain what’s been lost?

I try to reflect the beginnings of our times. The true bond I once believed in; the unification of one, unbreakable, and undefeated.
United like two fixed pillars holding the unworried future; the constellation foretold stories, and we were making our own.

As usual, life brought to us its true realities. We live our lives day by day as each minute brings us choices. I concluded without hesitation. Yet your magnetic feelings of the present consumed our forthcoming.

As of now, I lie precariously. The foundation of our strength weakens as the spider web cracks seep into my reasoning.

It is I who now wonders what this instant will bring to me. I am left with no concern of fate. The decision I make may result in painful consequences. As I reflect diligently, I can only remember how painful it was, but cannot relive the pain.

So, as my seconds turn into minutes, and hours of the day, I‘ll remain in limbo. Unsure to the promise I made. It is I who will live at the moment, with no worries for the following days.  

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