Thursday, January 20, 2011


     We all possess an evil influence. The negative thoughts of how we look, the figure of our bodies, or our culture, and sometimes the question of who am I. Our insecurities fester within our inner souls that rot the purities we are born with. As we walk through a crowded room, we’re overwhelmed with the feeling of someone else’s eyes piercing right through us. However, these negative forces begin within us. We listen to the fiend that whispers into our conscience and become apprehensive of our self-worth. But what is the truth?
     When you stand in front of the mirror do you see yourself or the reflection of constant rejections from the demons possessing your mind? As you look into your weak core, you can see the beast burrowing and eating your individuality as you try to hide behind your dignity.
      It’s time to free you from the wicked forces. Stop tormenting yourself with thoughts of doubt. Accepting who you are is the foundation for your true happiness. Look at yourself in the mirror and dig beneath the foulness. Once you expose your inner self, you can introduce yourself to your demons.  By revealing your true identity to your demons; they will no longer cause you harm. When you begin to accept who you are, so will your demons. Through acceptance, a friendship will build between you and your demon, turning your inner monster into a friend.    

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